How to Determine a Bull or Bear Market
Bull and bear markets are two very different animals - in more than one way. The ability to discern whether you are in a bull market or a bear market is fundamental for traders and investors alike.
Bull and bear markets are two very different animals - in more than one way. The ability to discern whether you are in a bull market or a bear market is fundamental for traders and investors alike.
Commodities or stocks? We outline the key differences and the factors that should influence your trading decisions.
Currency correlations are important for traders to consider as no pair trades independently on others. Here’s a guide on what they are and how to manage them.
Safe-haven assets can be the savior of your portfolio. From stocks to forex, discover the assets on offer and how to trade them.
Safe haven currencies are useful for traders to protect their portfolio against instability. Here’s a complete guide to the key safe havens.
The concept of ‘risk’ in trading will always exist. Learn how to effectively manage risk from day one.
This week’s stock analysis is Tootsie Roll Industries ($TR) The Tootsie Roll company was founded in 1896 by Leo Hirshfield. The Tootsie Roll is a chocolate-flavored taffy-like candy. It is ...
The Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index provides insights into the U.S. economy and can give trader's valuable information suitable for any trading style.
Retail sales is used to analyze economic strength and can be implemented into both fundamental and technical trading strategies. Learn more about retail sales and how to trade this key economic data.
This week’s stock analysis is Affirm Holdings ($AFRM). Affirm Holdings Inc. ($AFRM) is a financial services company founded in 2012 by Max Levchin, Nathan Gettings, and Jeff Kaditz. The company provides ...